Comprehensive guide on how to submit RAPIDTest and view the results.
After all data is prepared, save and ready to test. Log back into the Rapid4Cloud platform if not already logged in. To submit a RAPIDTest job, simply follow the few simple steps below.
1) On the platform dashboard, click ‘New’ and select ‘RAPIDTest’.
2) On the add RAPIDTest window, fill in all the necessary information, such as name, Oracle app login, and import the filed that you’ve prepare to be tested.
- Name can be inputted in two ways. First is to manual input and second, you can wait until after import the template file and the name of that file will auto generate into name. We do recommend that when creating a job, use a meaningful name so that it can help you to understand the job if ever need to look back on it in the future.
- Oracle app login or connection are to show which connection you wish to run the test in. If no connection is displayed, then you would need to create a new connection. Please see article Platform User Setup for more details.
- Data file or custom script is where you will import the module template file that you have prepared to be tested.
- Customization
- Run Tests in Parallel: if enabled, will run multiple scenarios in the template files at once.
- Video: if enabled, will let users view the video of each scenario.
3) After all information is filled, click ‘Add RAPIDTest’ and the new test will be shown in the RAPIDTest dashboard.
After the job is committed and completed, the user can view the details of the test and within the test detail, user can also view each scenario detail.
1) Once a test is completed, there will be an email notification that will state that the test is either complete, failed, or cancelled. Users can click on the link provided in the email to view the test’s details or go to the RAPIDTest dashboard on platform, locate the test you want to check and, on the right, click on the ‘3 dots’ button and click ‘detail’.
2) On the detail window, notice, the left-hand side of the screen, will display all the general information of the run. Such as the job ID, the creation date and time, the connection user or download the template that was used to run the test.
3) On the right side, are the scenarios, users can click to expand the scenarios detail, here, user will be able to check the video of the scenarios, the screenshot, variables and error messages and error screenshot if the scenarios failed.
Users can also view and download reports of the job after completion.
To view a report, the user can either download from the RAPIDTest dashboard on platform or in the job’s detail window.
- To download from the RAPIDTest dashboard window.
- To download from a job’s detail window
Once click to download the report, it will redirect to a new tab on the browser and the report will be open as a PDF.
- On the report, will be the general information.
- The scenarios list, green, if successful, red, if failed or blue if the scenario was skipped. On the scenarios line, will also display the total run time of each scenario.
If the scenario failed during the testing process, the report would also show the error screenshot and messages.